Some good news this week. The vaccination mandates for New South Wales Fire and Rescue firefighters (ie our permanent professional firefighters) are to be dropped. The firefighters, mandated out of the service, received letters last week that they can return to work.
One of the few mainstream media personalities that have followed this madness is Ben Fordham on 2GB. You can hear the short interview with Steve McDonald from the Australian Firefighters Alliance (AFA) here.
A “holistic” Vaccination Requirements policy - whatever that means? My wife (a naturopath) suggests it means they would be handing out Vitamin D.
I have written before about having met some great people in Fire and Rescue, through being in the Rural Fire Service, some who have become friends and readers of this substack 😊.
I spoke to Steve during the week to see how they are all doing. It’s been an exhausting journey for them. I imagine some of them will have found other gainful employment and won’t be going back. It is predicted to be a bad fire season this summer and so I imagine if things went bad and it was pointed out that there was a shortage of trained professional firefighters and the reason for that was because of vaccine mandates, it might look bad in the mainstream press.
Of course, those that did comply would have had their last 2nd dose around the end of 2021, ie almost 2 years ago. I wonder how relevant that immunity is?
The discouraging thing is it is understood that, while they will be allowed back, there will be disciplinary action for some of them because of “not following ze orders”. Apparently, they will be “monitored” for 12 months.
I was thinking about this completely unnecessary response. Is the reason to teach them a lesson? I imagine those that did comply, and didn’t really want to, might be annoyed and so the punitive measures are some sort of conciliation to them? When I think about it, I can put it down to a complete lack of leadership in public service. What benefit is there to this absurd punishment of a small group? Especially with firefighters who are exposed to risk with chemicals as a matter of course in their work. The injections were a risk they should have had an option to not expose themselves to.
Unfortunately, no good news yet for firefighters in Victoria. Josh Hawkes, an AFA Director, is interviewed on Sky News here. The host Chris Kenny describes the situation as a shambles. Let’s hope there is some resolution for them soon.
Queensland Health Mandates Dropped
Last month mandates for Queensland Health workers were dropped.
This has been a staged process. Dr Andrew McIntyre and the Doctors Against Mandates had a win some time back, when a week before their court case against the mandates was to be heard, one level of mandates was preemptively dropped by Queensland Health. That allowed some health workers back but not those in the public system. The Doctors Against Mandates have recently started a Telegram channel here and is a good place to follow what they are doing. Please support them if you can. They are also contributing to the Class Action for vaccine victims.
I must admit I have found it hard to follow the whole process of the mandates for health workers in Queensland. It seems there were many levels of mandates. I understand that private health providers can still implement mandates if they want to.
Two nurses, recently sacked, talk in this news piece on Channel 7 news.
They were officially sacked staff a month ago and now the mandate is dropped they can go back. They have to reapply for their jobs which is absurd, when there is a shortage of nurses. As with the firefighters I understand those health workers who go back are subject to disciplinary actions.
In this piece on Channel 9 news the representative of the Nurses Association explains that 3000 nurses were stood down in Queensland. They have a staff shortage in Queensland. This makes more nurses leave because they don’t want to be blamed for deaths due to lack of resources.
In this article in the Guardian a disability spokesperson is not happy with mandates being dropped and says they should be permanent! Someone should provide them with the Cleveland Clinic study showing the more shots the more likely healthcare workers were to be COVID infected. Other studies have shown that health workers have to take more time off work to recover from shots. The fear that has been engendered has almost become a mental disability itself.
AMPS Delegation to Canberra
This week coming the Australian Medical Professionals’ Society (AMPS) has meetings booked with politicians in Canberra. From the press release:
In response to the Senate's extraordinary decision on 23 March 2023 against investigating this sudden excess mortality, a committed group of Australians, in collaboration with international colleagues, has undertaken the investigation that our political and medical authorities have refused to pursue.
Conclusions from AMPS are documented in a book due for release titled, Too Many Dead – An Inquiry into Australia’s Excess Mortality. In collaboration with our international colleagues we are calling for an immediate suspension of the vaccination rollout, pending a full and transparent investigation.
I am proud to be part of the team that will be presenting in Canberra. Hopefully we get the attention of some extra politicians besides those who have been awake all along.
We are already getting some coverage in the international independent media. Trialsite News and Epoch Times have both provided coverage. These articles may be behind a paywall depending how many articles you read.
Details of the public event on Wednesday evening (18 October) are here. The challenge for me is getting my presentation down to 15 minutes for the public event, with all the information I want to get across. My better half has told me that I will do it if I don’t keep repeating myself 😊. For anyone in Canberra who is able to come to the public event please come and say hello.
This is a heads up about a paper that came out in the Lancet subjournal Regional Health Western Pacific, last week (October 7). It is by the leading Australian vaccinators with obvious funding sources. There is no surprise about most of the conclusions.
They also find there is improvement in all-cause mortality with more boosters, in fact they may have found a cure for cancer!
I’ll be providing my take for Data Wise readers in a weeks time.
It appears that whenever it seems likely that a case will make it to court they drop the mandate to avoid that, as with judicial reviews you are asking for the mandate to be dropped and its already happened so the case is over. The fact that the actual hearing is delayed, sometimes for years is a disgrace when people have lost their income. That is the state of our justice system it seems. The expense to get to the point of actually having a court date is a significant barrier. People just need to say "No" in significant numbers and it would be over quickly. This is what happened in the UK NHS but the Australian rebellious spirit seems to have died. Hopefully the result of the Voice referendum will make the population realise they already have a voice, then just need to use it.
Thanks so much for your shouldn’t be a surprise to see the moral bankruptcy of senior leaders who also endorse gender fluidity and refuse to look at the v rollout...I think it has a lot to do with the simple fact they know full well that they should be jailed for their role in it...