Thankyou Andrew, I read about this with disgust in the Weekend Australian covered by Gemma Tognini (p18 Inquirer) who was similarly horrified. She makes note that there are protective laws in NSW and South Australia....some good news. I can only echo Tognini in quoting 'We cannot and must not hide this evil any longer. A measure of any society is how it treats the most vulnerable'.
Well said. And in respect to excess deaths, organisations such as the Kirby Institute don’t help the situation with this claim of theirs: “Long COVID cost Australian economy about $9.6 billion in 2022”. Their 18 August 2024 paper in this article is absurd, an insult to practically anyone’s intelligence:
It’s bizarre. I told my scientist friend Stephen Crothers about the paper, who said he’ll write to the institute. He’s refuted all of Einstein’s nonsense. Here’s an example:
I assume that if you repeat the words LONG COVID OFTEN ENOUGH it will become ingrained in the language and trip off the tongue along with all these other words we are learning to say with equal ease - like ……. I’ll leave it to you to fill in the blanks.
Yes, perhaps we should introduce the term ‘Long Myocarditis’, or ‘Long Central Serous Chorioretinopathy’. Anyhow, if you’d like to back up my comments on the Kirby Institute’s Facebook page (and elsewhere) I’d be grateful. The page has some 3,700 followers. If the lawyers can’t beat the corruption, then it’s up to an informed public to stand its ground as things further deteriorate. Many articles and posts in Substack are useless unless the people feel threatened - concerned for themselves and their family. Most people don’t otherwise care.
Thanks for the compliment Andrew! Just for the record I’ve followed you for a couple years and had the good fortune of being the book designer for the AMPS publication. 😎👍
It's good to see a growing number of people with a basic grasp of morality in the senate. We can only hope that the farce of the LNP collapses and some type of actual conservatism takes hold in this country before it is irretrievably lost.
What these evil people will find out when they go to hell is that God has a special place in hell for them where they will be tormented by the aborted babies for eternity- YES it will never STOP
Empathy 101, put yourself in the babies booties all those who rallied against some semblance of humanity, disgusting imitation humans. Three quarters Oz politicians appear to be reptilian
Thankyou Andrew, I read about this with disgust in the Weekend Australian covered by Gemma Tognini (p18 Inquirer) who was similarly horrified. She makes note that there are protective laws in NSW and South Australia....some good news. I can only echo Tognini in quoting 'We cannot and must not hide this evil any longer. A measure of any society is how it treats the most vulnerable'.
That's good to know. I hadn't picked that up in the article. It seemed that the issue was in Queensland and Victoria
Well written, thanks for putting this together.
To think I always laughed at conspiracy theories about reptiles in positions of power.
Well said. And in respect to excess deaths, organisations such as the Kirby Institute don’t help the situation with this claim of theirs: “Long COVID cost Australian economy about $9.6 billion in 2022”. Their 18 August 2024 paper in this article is absurd, an insult to practically anyone’s intelligence:
What about Long Myocarditis or Long Thrombocytopenia? Or Long Rubbery Clots?
OMG I read the release. So they say the problem is that younger people can't access boosters? And that would stop Long COVID.
It’s bizarre. I told my scientist friend Stephen Crothers about the paper, who said he’ll write to the institute. He’s refuted all of Einstein’s nonsense. Here’s an example:
URL signature expired 🥴
That’s odd. I just accessed it elsewhere. Anyhow, this might work for one of his dozens of other papers:
I assume that if you repeat the words LONG COVID OFTEN ENOUGH it will become ingrained in the language and trip off the tongue along with all these other words we are learning to say with equal ease - like ……. I’ll leave it to you to fill in the blanks.
Yes, perhaps we should introduce the term ‘Long Myocarditis’, or ‘Long Central Serous Chorioretinopathy’. Anyhow, if you’d like to back up my comments on the Kirby Institute’s Facebook page (and elsewhere) I’d be grateful. The page has some 3,700 followers. If the lawyers can’t beat the corruption, then it’s up to an informed public to stand its ground as things further deteriorate. Many articles and posts in Substack are useless unless the people feel threatened - concerned for themselves and their family. Most people don’t otherwise care.
Andrew, good article. Here is a ‘related’ article;
Thanks for this thoughtful piece Gaz. Highly recommend reading it to those viewing these comments.
Thanks for the compliment Andrew! Just for the record I’ve followed you for a couple years and had the good fortune of being the book designer for the AMPS publication. 😎👍
It's good to see a growing number of people with a basic grasp of morality in the senate. We can only hope that the farce of the LNP collapses and some type of actual conservatism takes hold in this country before it is irretrievably lost.
What these evil people will find out when they go to hell is that God has a special place in hell for them where they will be tormented by the aborted babies for eternity- YES it will never STOP
Empathy 101, put yourself in the babies booties all those who rallied against some semblance of humanity, disgusting imitation humans. Three quarters Oz politicians appear to be reptilian