thank you Andrew,

an incredible day made so due to our great team and team work

.. still some further work ahead with the many Questions on Notice we received from Senators on the day, when answered by our many Co-Authors and Proposed Witnesses will provide the Committee (and particularly Chair Paul Scarr) with all the information addressing our many Terms of References needed for the report the Committee will be delivering to the Senate on 31 March


we hope to share our final dossier of responses with everyone via the AMPS landing page that hosted our Terms of Reference


many thanks to the many readers here who supported this initiative

.. and yes, it was a trap .. good one Andrew!

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Thanks for all the effort in making this happen.

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Well done Andrew and Team.

You did us proud.

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You did an amazing job Andrew, particularly answering the questions from Shoebridge with poise and intellectual rigour, thereby exposing the disingenuous intent behind the question.

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Thanks Peter, I have been thinking about it and wondered whether the Senators with disingenuous questions really understood what it's about. For example our team had you, a human rights lawyer. The People's Terms of Reference was much more than about vaccines.

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Thanks Dan. I can't get that link. Can you give the title of Norman's or Carl's articles. I subscribe to both of them.

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Well done Andrew and to the People's Terms of Reference team, led so ably by Julian Gillespie.

The Senate Commitee Public Hearing - personal highlights on 1.2.2024 - were the individual opening statements, the appropriate answers to questions (with more to come via documentation to Questions on Notice) and the great support provided by Senator Malcolm Roberts with online Senators Rennick and Antic. I found Dr Julie Sladden's compact opening statement was thoroughly comprehensive (including excess mortality) and was delivered with the highest level of rebuke aimed at Government and medical/health organisations etc. Her 2 words "... uncomfortable truths..." spoke volumes.

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Thanks for the report - great to see that good, smart people got to speak even if the likelihood of us getting a Royal Commission is not high. I spend a lot of time thinking about how we can reach people like Shoebridge (well-intentioned if totally misguided lefties) but the problem is they tend not to be even open to discussion on these topics. They just believe so it’s like you’re challenging their religion … sigh.

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I've heard Senator Shoebridge talk on other issues and I have been impressed in many cases. It just seems that in issues health we are required to have blind faith in what authorities dictate rather than real open discussion.

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Yes, I think about this too. Which was why I felt heartened that at least this was a forum in which the Green/ALP senators got to hear a bit more detail than usual, and surely had their "gullible Conspiracists" trope destablised a little bit?! Having the parties (those disabled by the pandemic response) who the left traditionally think of itself as championing, speak up with such clarity against the dominant narrative was good value too.

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Sadly I don’t think they listen - they just think it’s all made up or manipulated information - which is ironic when it’s all the information and data that the government and regulators put out that was lies and distortion.

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Admiral Akbar - one of my fav memes. :D

Good job, Andrew!

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At first thank you for this extensive and well delivered stop signal to our "questionable health regulations " it was indeed a long watch but worth every minute . In regard to Dr John Campbells stream and World in Data , i have seen lately charts that are misleading in terms of Baseline starting in 2021 or 2022 to whitewash excess death . Details which Dr Campbell often fails to see , he has changed quiet a bit since his early streams . I would recommend " Etical Skeptic " for any Data analysis in this regard . https://twitter.com/EthicalSkeptic

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Senator Green and Shoebridge are the reason why trust in Government is at an all time low🤦‍♀️🤯

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