Thank you for doing this painful article. I scanned a summary by the ABC news yesterday and it was depressing.

I stopped reading after this quote:

"Over the course of the inquiry, the evidence presented to the committee overwhelmingly pointed to COVID-19 as the key contributing factor to excess mortality during 2021–2023. This included deaths both directly and indirectly caused by the virus."

That is really upsetting because this is the biggest lie of them all. If you need any proof that this is a whitewash it is in this paragraph. It is a fucking joke because Allen just published an academic paper that proofs beyond doubt a very high correlation between the vaccine and excess death. I wrote several articles about it. That's what you get when the husband of the Covid vaccine queen, Jane Halton runs the ABS. I hope this couple will one day be prosecuted and will spent the rest of their lives in prison for the corrupt crimes on humanity. So pissed off.

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Thanks for the mention Andrew.

Read more, be happy, even if you have to use a candle!


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Thanks Geoff. There is nothing in the report about adverse events. It is taken as a given that vaccines were safe and effective. It's terrible that your submission was not made available

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Thanks Andrew. Reference to the Deaths is in Senator Ralph Babet Dissenting report that is included in the Committee Report pdf. On page 64 we find "1.21 The committee heard evidence that, while there are 16 deaths confirmed by the Department as a result of vaccine injury, this represents a relatively small proportion of the 69, 788, 192 vaccine doses administered between the years 2021 and 2023, and a small proportion of the excess deaths in Australia". Reference 5 is "Department of Health and Aged Care, answer to written question on notice, 13 June 2024 (received 26 June 2024); Dr Philip Gould, First Assistant Secretary and Chief Data Officer, Health, Economics and Research Division, Department of Health and Aged Care, Committee Hansard, 13 June 2024."

Adverse Event appears on page 22. On page 55 of the pdf the Committee says: "Compensation for those who have sustained vaccine injuries

4.33 Following the testimony of witnesses and the large amounts of correspondence received by the committee in relation to vaccine injuries, the committee’s attention was drawn to the small number of individuals who suffer adverse events following immunisation, and the compensation to which they are entitled."

This leads to the next page where the Committee says:

"4.34 The committee recognises that the efficacy and efficiency of vaccine compensation schemes are also important to addressing vaccine hesitancy. As such, the committee believes it would be prudent to review existing compensation arrangements for individuals who have sustained injuries following vaccinations and explore the benefits of a no-fault compensation scheme.

Recommendation 2

4.35 The committee recommends that the Australian Government consider the design and compensation arrangements of a no-fault compensation scheme for Commonwealth-funded vaccines in response to a future pandemic event."

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I did one for The WOW. It didn’t see the light of day Andrew.

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It's terrible that submissions from people like yourself Ian were not made available to the Australian public.

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Thanks for the report link and the update, its hard to keep up.

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Over the course of the inquiry, the evidence presented to the committee overwhelmingly pointed to COVID-19 as the key contributing factor to excess mortality during 2021–2023. This included deaths both directly and indirectly caused by the virus.

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That evidence was overwhelmingly provided by the government agencies.

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That evidence also makes no sense. Respiratory deaths in Australia did not increase by more than a few thousand, and they were not analyzed by vaccination dates. Cancers and coronary deaths increased much more, but there was no analysis comparing these conditions to vaccination dates. Yet the spikes happened in 2021 and not 2023. Why would Covid-19 deaths increase after vaccinating more than 80% of the population. The indirect deaths were not caused by Covid-19, but by the lockdowns and they include statistically significant increases in suicides, drug overdoses, and alcohol related deaths that happened in 2020 and first 3-6 months of 2021. Lockdowns don’t explain most of the excess death. The vaccines do. There was no analysis of reporting rates for the most common vaccine side effects and no analysis of the increases in deaths attributed to the side effects. Sixteen is a small number, and deliberately so. Government agencies do but like to admit fault or take responsibility.

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The actuaries failed to adjust their baseline for the completely different health environment that we paid billions of dollars, over two years, to achieve.

There were a minimum of 22,000 - 30,000 deaths precipitated by the vaccines from rollout to end 2023.

Further, the covid deaths were Excess Deaths because we paid billions of dollars for genetic inventions that were meant to be effective against death. But clearly weren’t, with about 21,000 deaths with covid as an underlying or associated cause.

So, in total, 40K-50K excess deaths as a minimum.

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"The correlation between Australian Excess Deaths by State and Booster Vaccinations"

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A whitewash ...from the 'whitewashed tombs' of their 'consciences'...it seems the 'inconvenient truths' get buried there. Thanks Andrew as always for the good work!

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My submission was termed "Confidential" for the Senate Committee only, despite requesting it to be made public. I emailed the Committee Secretary for the reason why my submission was not made public.

Reply: due to the graphic nature of the content.

I went over my submission (12 pages only). One page showed 3 images - photos of specimens taken from carotid artery of deceased Covid vaxxed persons by embalmers in Canada, as per this testimonial by Laura Jeffery.


Fast fwd to mins to see the 3 images.

Truth exposed but censored as "Confidential" by the Senate Committee in Australia in relation to known and recognised jab harm and deaths.

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See Dr Phillip Altman's Substack 5.9.24 MYSTERIOUS WHITE RUBBERY CLOTS

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More evidence THEY intend to cover up THEIR deception until it’s impossible to do so.

Co-ordinated conspiracy to withhold evidence that would put key players and THEIR support team into orange jumpsuits for the rest of THEIR un-natural lives.

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