I remember that a lady killed by AstraZeneca was Jabbed in Australia but died soon after arriving in UK, and TGA did not want to include her in the Death count. Maybe someone can find that case?

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If anyone has info on that they could post here. The first case in the DAEN is the other way round where it appears that the person must have been injected overseas and died here, or is still considered a death here because they were a resident. I'm not sure how all that works.

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found my post on the lady killed by AstraZeneca that I posted on 19 August 2021.

TGA admitted it had posted False information and that she died of VITT


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Excess mortality in Australia is not back to zero. Youngest age-group seems to have normal deaths rates. Persons over 45 and above do not have normal death rates, and the oldest groups are still dying in excess.

With that much excess mortality since 2021, Australia should have had a large deficit (negative) mortality as the pull forward effect comes into play. Normal is still not normal!

Australia will change their baseline calculations for future reports, no doubt to hide excess deaths. https://open.substack.com/pub/supersally/p/australia-has-had-more-than-51000?r=l1r7e&utm_campaign=post&utm_medium=web

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That's an important point Super Sally. Going back to normal should mean the cumulative excess going back to zero, not the instantaneous. Just like in bad influenza seasons deaths are "pulled forward" in time. There are typically less deaths in future years after a bad season. There must be an element of that happening buried in the data. And that is concerning. There will be an underlying effect pulling the excess deaths downwards due to deaths of frail elderly "pulled forward" but the cumulative excess is still going up!

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He asks what caused the increase in mortality in 2021?

The impact of the vaccination and the regulatory set conditions is starting to hit the death count .

Lack of proper nutrition , supplementation and sunlight with institutionalized

patients ain't helping either .

Older Aussies died faster than normal .

Which will impact on the pull-forward effect .

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All valid answers that need to be investigated

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In regard to the substack question about the note passed on :

It is a trap to compare " Old Type Vaccines " as used for Mumps Rubella etc to Covid 19 Vaccines which are a Gene Therapy .

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Which way did Shoebridge vote on Ralphy boys proposal to investigate excess deaths? How did the ABS go in the 2016 census? Do yourselves a big favour & get the REAL information i.e from the fake "National Cabinet Documents", unredacted. That's where all of the actors got their script, anything else is cap in hand distractions.

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Amazing presentation, thankyou, Andrew and DW. The first line of (Key statistics), is very disturbing because total deaths, (even all other reasonable causes considered), the juice and other protocols of that 3yrs period 'points' to one main ingredient of death in that recipe. The Deagel projections look to be on track.

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Feb 5, 2024
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Ha. Incorrect. That certainly would have inflamed the Greens Senator.

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