As a long suffering unvaccinated Victorian, October is when the no jab no job mandate came in force in Victoria. It was announced in September with a first dose deadline of 15 Oct and a second dose deadline of 26 Nov
Have a look at their adjustment and working spreadsheets. They were keeping track of pretty much every death in Australia line by line for a while and reconciling it against the official figures. May not be complete or “official” data set but may be of some use.
Hi Ivo, Thanks. I just had a look at that site and the spreadsheet. They were recording ages of deaths early in the pandemic but then it seems to give up at some point. However there are some useful summaries on the site. I can see that all of the deaths mid 2021 are in Victoria followed by NSW. So it will not be such a big job as I thought to get the ages from just those two States. I think that if I remove those COVID deaths the extra peak in the slope of Excess Mortality curve will disappear. That's also why Queensland is a good state to look at as there were no COVID deaths until things opened up at start of 2022.
No problem. I think they initially started recording deaths before there were any official reports and they stopped recording them once reporting became more widespread or possibly too overwhelming for the person collecting it. Great that a group of volunteers can sift and sort through the data and present it to the public.
Thanks good to see Aust looked at.. can’t offer any great explanation.. but it does appear that most vaccines deaths are in the older age others work at Jessica Rose etc...
The very wet conditions on the east coast may be contributing to omicron success in spreading this year.. the other thing is we really cannot trust covid deaths data...
Have you see Ivor Cummins recent post on Irish death rate... when focusing on the death rate by age the rate declined for the past 20 years .. for all age groups indicating no major effects of the pandemic
As a long suffering unvaccinated Victorian, October is when the no jab no job mandate came in force in Victoria. It was announced in September with a first dose deadline of 15 Oct and a second dose deadline of 26 Nov
Hi Andrew
As usual another great article. You may be able to get some of the age data from the web site below:
Have a look at their adjustment and working spreadsheets. They were keeping track of pretty much every death in Australia line by line for a while and reconciling it against the official figures. May not be complete or “official” data set but may be of some use.
Thanks Ivo
Hi Ivo, Thanks. I just had a look at that site and the spreadsheet. They were recording ages of deaths early in the pandemic but then it seems to give up at some point. However there are some useful summaries on the site. I can see that all of the deaths mid 2021 are in Victoria followed by NSW. So it will not be such a big job as I thought to get the ages from just those two States. I think that if I remove those COVID deaths the extra peak in the slope of Excess Mortality curve will disappear. That's also why Queensland is a good state to look at as there were no COVID deaths until things opened up at start of 2022.
No problem. I think they initially started recording deaths before there were any official reports and they stopped recording them once reporting became more widespread or possibly too overwhelming for the person collecting it. Great that a group of volunteers can sift and sort through the data and present it to the public.
Thanks good to see Aust looked at.. can’t offer any great explanation.. but it does appear that most vaccines deaths are in the older age others work at Jessica Rose etc...
The very wet conditions on the east coast may be contributing to omicron success in spreading this year.. the other thing is we really cannot trust covid deaths data...
Have you see Ivor Cummins recent post on Irish death rate... when focusing on the death rate by age the rate declined for the past 20 years .. for all age groups indicating no major effects of the pandemic
I think the shots started 2021 in Australia. Not sure they had anything in 2020.
Thanks Angela, yes you are right, I made a typo. Updated in the online version.